Facilities and Programs Requesting Visits
Tails of Joy connects volunteers with requesting facilities and programs. Our members are volunteers and arrange their own visiting schedules based on their location, availability and interests. To help us provide our members with your opportunities please supply us with as much information as possible.
Facilities or programs requesting Animal Assisted Reading Programs
Please email Peter Lok (
Read@tailsofjoy.org) and include the following information:
Name and location of your facility or program
Type of visits (group, individual) desired
Number of participants expected and age range
Time(s) of day and week that you would like visits
Facilities or programs requesting College Stress Relief visits
Please email Laurel Rabschutz (
laurel@tailsofjoy.org) and include the following information:
Name and location of your school
Time(s) of day and week that you would like visits
Facilities or programs requesting all other Animal Assisted Activity visits
Please email Visit Request Coordinator David Wright (
request@tailsofjoy.org) and include the following information:
Name and location of your facility or program (Note: We service primarily the Hartford, Tolland and Windham counties of Connecticut.)
Type of visits (group, individual) desired
Type of participants expected (Adults, children, special considerations)
Time(s) of day and week that you would like visits