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Tails of Joy

Providing Therapeutic Benefit to People Through the Use of Animals


Tails of Joy members volunteer throughout Hartford, Tolland and Windham counties in Connecticut.

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Contact Tails of Joy

Tails of Joy members are all volunteers and response to email may not be immediate. We make every effort to respond to emails within a few days. If you do not get a response within 7 days it may mean that your email was not delivered and you should try again. Sending your email as plain as possible, without any emoticons, stationary or other unneeded attachments will increase the chances of delivery.

The majority of TOJ members are located in Central and Northeastern Connecticut. As volunteers, our members choose where to visit based on their location and interests. We service primarily the Hartford, Tolland and Windham counties of Connecticut.

Please start your subject line with TOJ to help us distinguish your email from spam.
Organizations in greater Hartford / Eastern Connecticut may request Tails of Joy Animal Assisted Crisis Response Teams (AACRT) to respond after a tragedy by contacting our Crisis Response Phone Line:

860- 258-4100

We want to hear from you! However, this number is not to be used for for general requests.

For all other requests please use the contact information below.

Individuals who would like more information on getting involved with their pet

The About and FAQ pages of this web site have answers to many questions about providing animal assisted activities and animal assisted therapy with your pet. Additional information is available on the Intermountain Therapy Animals and Pet Partners web sites.

Guests are welcome at our monthly meetings which are an excellent opportunity to chat with members who visit in a variety of settings. Please check the Calendar for dates and location.

Facilities and Programs Requesting Visits

Tails of Joy connects volunteers with requesting facilities and programs. Our members are volunteers and arrange their own visiting schedules based on their location, availability and interests. To help us provide our members with your opportunities please supply us with as much information as possible.

Facilities or programs requesting Animal Assisted Reading Programs

Please email Peter Lok ( and include the following information:

Name and location of your facility or program
Type of visits (group, individual) desired
Number of participants expected and age range
Time(s) of day and week that you would like visits

Facilities or programs requesting College Stress Relief visits

Please email Laurel Rabschutz ( and include the following information:

Name and location of your school
Time(s) of day and week that you would like visits

Facilities or programs requesting all other Animal Assisted Activity visits

Please email Visit Request Coordinator David Wright ( and include the following information:

Name and location of your facility or program (Note: We service primarily the Hartford, Tolland and Windham counties of Connecticut.)
Type of visits (group, individual) desired
Type of participants expected (Adults, children, special considerations)
Time(s) of day and week that you would like visits
Please note: Tails of Joy is an all-volunteer organization. We will make every attempt to respond to your inquiries in a timely manner and will try to meet your needs as volunteers and resources are available.

Send regular mail, including donations by check, to:

Tails of Joy, Inc.
1131-O Tolland Turnpike, Suite 146
Manchester,  CT  06042

Thank you for your interest in Tails of Joy.

If you have a question on a topic not covered here or would like more information please email a related contact from the following list or submit our Contact Form.


Tails of Joy is an ITA Affiliate Organization